Wednesday, 17 September 2008

United we shall get home soon

I have been walking for 5 hours to look for water

The only means transport please help!

United we can achieve a lot

Where is the machinery gone please help

Hores not wars

Please just know we exist


We need volunteers who can place containers in stores or business for "pennies". We want a delegation to go to Uganda in April 2009. Our goal is £10,000. Please send us your donations? You can sponsor a youth to go to meet other youth in Uganda, or a mother to visit a ugandan mother in her own village.For any information, please contact use or visit our website at Please give your support.

Children born into Slums:

It becomes generational unless there is an intervention and these children are plucked out and educated, not only in the things any grammar student needs to learn, but educated in life skills so as to survive. From soap and water to the ability to say no to someone, simple things such as that may mean a big difference in the life of a child.

We love for you to come and join us for a week or two working with some of the most grateful children you will ever meet and not only will they be touched, you will never be the same.If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact us by email at or you can send a donation by cheque to: The NILE 28A Barry Street, Bradford, BD1 2AW, UK

How long my fellow Africans

For how long do we have to wait until we started supporting our fellow African Fathers, Mothers, Brothers and Sisters. Lets act now the sooner the better rather than waiting until there is a disaster then one international body will come up with all sorts of statistics to get us giving and yet they send in a full army of workers whom we have to pay WHY. Please support your small African village at home and that village will support the next one and then that, the next one and it will become an African district, then an African province and without knowing it, it will be the whole African COUNTRY.

Please, Africans CAN transform Africa (AcTa) so make your contribution today however small it may seam please just do it and Africa Shall Shine.

Monday, 15 September 2008

My Zimbio
Top Stories

Always hardworking and cheerfull

We work hard at all times only to be robbed by a number of people, organisation, other governments, our own leaders, international communities, IMF, World Bank, Make Poverty History,and many more but we never giveup and we still keep smiling.

Jambo Africa

Jambo all the African bros and sisters out there this is you blog. Please we want to hear from you what you get on with at home (Africa) or those who live out of Africa what you went through during your last visit. Post your pictures/comments of anything or anybody from Africa and Africans Overseas. Hope to see you online soon.